+91 98750 16384

 Product List ...

Anaesthetics and Preoperative Medicines
Code Product Description Unit
1 Atropine sulfate 1mg/ml injection 1ml ampoule 100
2 Bupivacaine HCl 0.5% injection 20ml vial 10
3 Bupivacaine HCl 0.5% injection spinal heavy 4ml ampoule 100
4 Ephedrine HCl 30mg/ml, 1ml injection ampoule 10
5 Lidocaine HCl 1% injection 20ml vial 10
6 Lidocaine HCl 2% injection 20ml vial 10
7 Lidocaine HCl 2% + epinephrine dental 1.8ml ampoule 100
8 Lidocaine HCl 5% + dextrose 7.5% 2ml spinal injection ampoule 100
9 Propofol 10mg/ml, 20ml injection vial 5
10 Thiopental sodium 500mg powder for injection vial 50
Medicine to Treat Gout, NSAIDS, Antipyretics, Analgesics
Code Product Description Unit
11 Acetylsalicylic acid 100mg tablet 1000
12 Acetylsalicylic acid 300mg tablet 1000
13 Acetylsalicylic acid 500mg tablet 1000
14 Diclofenac sodium 50mg enteric coated tablet blister 100
15 Diclofenac sodium 75mg/3ml injection ampoule 100
16 Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml oral suspension 100ml bottle 1
17 Ibuprofen 200mg film coated tablet blister 100
18 Ibuprofen 200mg film coated tablet 1000
19 Ibuprofen 400mg film coated tablet blister 100
20 Ibuprofen 400mg film coated tablet 1000
21 Indometacin 25mg capsule 100
22 Naloxone 0.4mg/ml, 1ml injection ampoule 10
23 Paracetamol 100mg tablet blister 100
24 Paracetamol 100mg tablet 1000
25 Paracetamol 100mg dispersible tablet blister 100
26 Paracetamol 10mg/ml infusion 50ml bottle 1
27 Paracetamol 120mg/5ml oral solution 100ml bottle 1
28 Paracetamol 120mg/5ml oral solution 60ml bottle 1
29 Paracetamol 500mg tablet blister 100
30 Paracetamol 500mg tablet jar 1000
31 Tramadol HCl 100mg/2ml injection ampoule 100
32 Tramadol HCl 50mg capsule blister 10
Anti-Allergics and medicine used to treat Anaphylaxis
Code Product Description Unit
33 Chlorphenamine maleate 4mg tablet blister 100
34 Chlorphenamine maleate 4mg tablet 1000
35 Dexamethasone 0.5mg tablet 1000
36 Dexamethasone sodium phosphate 5mg/ml 1ml injection ampoule 100
37 Epinephrine (adrenaline)1mg/ml 1ml injection ampoule 10
38 Hydrocortisone 100mg powder for injection (as sodium succinate) 50
39 Loratadine 10mg tablet blister 20
40 Prednisolone 5mg tablet blister 100
41 Prednisolone 5mg tablet 1000
42 Promethazine HCl 25mg coated tablet 500
43 Promethazine HCl 50mg/2ml injection ampoule 10
44 Promethazine HCl 5mg/5ml oral solution 100ml bottle 1
Antitoxin and Antidote
Code Product Description Unit
45 Atropine sulfate 1mg/ml injection 1ml ampoule 10
46 Calcium gluconate 1g/10ml injection ampoule 10
47 Naloxone 0.4mg/ml, 1ml injection ampoule 10
Anticonvulsants / Antiepileptics
Code Product Description Unit
48 Carbamazepine 200mg tablet blister 100
49 Magnesium sulfate 50% injection 10ml ampoule 10
50 Phenytoin acid equiv. to 100mg Phenytoin sodium tablet 1000
51 Sodium valproate 200mg enteric coated tablet blister 100
52 Sodium valproate 500mg enteric coated tablet blister 100
Anti-Infective Medicines
Code Product Description Unit
53 Albendazole 200mg tablet 1000
54 Albendazole 200mg/5ml oral suspension 10ml bottle 1
55 Albendazole 400mg chewable tablet 1000
56 Mebendazole 100mg tablet 1000
57 Mebendazole 100mg tablet blister 100
58 Mebendazole 500mg chewable tablet 1000
59 Praziquantel 600mg tablet 100
Antibacterial Beta Lactum
Code Product Description Unit
60 Amoxicillin 125mg/5ml powder f susp 100ml bottle 1
61 Amoxicillin 125mg+Clavulanic ac.31.25mg/5ml pwd f100ml bottle 1
62 Amoxicillin 1g+Clavulanic acid 200mg pwd for injection vial 10
63 Amoxicillin 250mg capsule 1000
64 Amoxicillin 250mg tablet 1000
65 Amoxicillin 250mg dispersible tablet blister 100
66 Amoxicillin 250mg/5ml powder f susp 100ml bottle 1
67 Amoxicillin 250mg+Clavulanic ac.62.5mg/5ml pwd f 100ml bottle 1
68 Amoxicillin 500mg capsule blister 100
69 Amoxicillin 500mg capsule 1000
70 Amoxicillin 500mg tablet blister 100
71 Amoxicillin 500mg+Clavulanic acid 125mg tablet blister 50
72 Ampicillin 1g powder for injection vials 50
73 Ampicillin 500mg powder for injection vial 50
74 Benzathine penicillin 1.2 MIU powder for injection vial 50
75 Benzathine penicillin 2.4 MIU powder for injection vial 50
76 Benzylpenicillin 1 MIU powder for injection vial 50
77 Benzylpenicillin 5 MIU powder for injection vial 50
78 Cefalexin 500mg capsule blister 100
79 Cefixime 100mg/5ml powder for suspension 100ml bottle 1
80 Cefixime 200mg tablet blister 100
81 Cefixime 400mg tablet blister 100
82 Cefotaxime 1g powder for injection vial 10
83 Cefotaxime 500mg powder for injection vial 10
84 Ceftriaxone 1g powder for injection vial 10
85 Ceftriaxone 250mg powder for injection vial 10
86 Ceftriaxone 500mg powder for injection vial 10
87 Cloxacillin 125mg/5ml powder for susp 100ml bottle 1
88 Cloxacillin 250mg capsule 1
89 Cloxacillin 500mg capsule 1000
90 Cloxacillin 500mg powder for injection vial 50
91 Flucloxacillin 500mg capsule blister 28
92 Penicillin V 125mg/5ml powder f oral sol 100ml bottle 1
93 Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg tablet 1000
94 Procaine pen.3 MIU + benzylpen 1MIU (PPF) pwd f injection vial 50
Antibacterial Non-Beta Lactum
Code Product Description Unit
95 Azithromycin 200mg/5ml powder f susp 15ml, 1 bottle 1
96 Azithromycin 250 mg tablet blister 4
97 Azithromycin 500 mg tablet blister 3
98 Chloramphenicol 1 g pwd f injection (as sodium succinate) vial 50
99 Chloramphenicol 125mg/5ml oral suspension 100ml bottle 1
100 Chloramphenicol 250mg capsule blister 100
101 Ciprofloxacin 250mg tablet blister 100
102 Ciprofloxacin 2mg/ml infusion 100ml bag 1
103 Ciprofloxacin 500mg tablet blister 100
104 Ciprofloxacin 500mg tablet 100
105 Clarithromycin 500mg tablet blister 24
106 Clindamycin 150mg capsule blister 24
107 Co-trimoxazole 100mg+20mg tablet 1000
108 Co-trimoxazole 200mg+40mg/5ml oral suspension 100ml bottle 1
109 Co-trimoxazole 400mg+80mg tablet blister 100
110 Co-trimoxazole 400mg+80mg tablet 1000
111 Co-trimoxazole 800mg+160mg tablet blister 100
112 Doxycycline 100mg (as hyclate) tablet blister 100
113 Doxycycline 100mg (as hyclate) tablet 1000
114 Erythromycin 125mg/5ml powder for susp 100ml bottle 1
115 Erythromycin 250mg (stearate) tablet blister 100
116 Erythromycin 250mg/5ml powder for susp 100ml bottle 1
117 Erythromycin 500mg (stearate) tablet blister 100
118 Gentamicin 20mg/2ml injection ampoule 100
119 Gentamicin 80mg/2ml injection ampoule 100
120 Metronidazole 125mg/5ml powder for susp 100ml bottle 1
121 Metronidazole 200mg tablet 1000
122 Metronidazole 200mg/5ml powder for susp 100ml bottle 1
123 Metronidazole 250mg tablet blister 100
124 Metronidazole 250mg tablet 1000
125 Metronidazole 500mg tablet 1000
126 Metronidazole 500mg vaginal pessary 10
127 Metronidazole 5mg/ml 100ml injection bottle 1
128 Nitrofurantoin 100mg tablet 1000
129 Sulfadiazine 500mg tablet blister 100
130 Tetracycline HCl 250mg capsule 1000
Code Product Description Unit
131 Clotrimazole vaginal tablet 100mg + applicator tablet blister 6
132 Clotrimazole vaginal tablet 500mg tablet blister 1
133 Fluconazole 150mg capsule blister 100
134 Fluconazole 200mg capsule blister 100
135 Griseofulvin 125mg tablet 1000
136 Griseofulvin 500mg tablet blister 500
137 Miconazole 2% cream 30g tube 10
138 Nystatin 100,000 IU/ml oral suspension 30ml bottle 1
139 Nystatin 500,000IU oral coated tablet 100
Code Product Description Unit
140 Metronidazole 125mg/5ml powder for susp 100ml bottle 1
141 Metronidazole 200mg tablet 1000
142 Metronidazole 200mg/5ml powder for susp 100ml bottle 1
143 Metronidazole 250mg tablet blister 100
144 Metronidazole 250mg tablet 1000
145 Metronidazole 500mg tablet 1000
146 Metronidazole 500mg vaginal pessary 10
147 Metronidazole 5mg/ml 100ml injection 1
Code Product Description Unit
148 Aciclovir 200mg dispersible tablet blister 100
Code Product Description Unit
149 Artemether 20mg/ml, 1ml injection ampoule 30
150 Artemether 80mg/ml, 1ml injection ampoule 50
151 Mefloquine 250mg tablet blister 6
152 Quinine di-HCl 600mg/2ml injection ampoule 100
153 Quinine sulfate 300mg film coated tablet 1000
154 Quinine sulfate 300mg film coated tablet blister 100
155 Sulfadoxine 500mg + Pyrimethamine 25mg tablet 1000
Medicines affecting Blood
Code Product Description Unit
156 Ferrous fumarate 100mg/5ml oral suspension 50ml bottle 1
157 Ferrous sulfate 200mg + Folic acid 0.25mg tablet blister 100
158 Ferrous sulfate 200mg + Folic acid 0.25mg tablet 1000
159 Ferrous sulfate 200mg + Folic acid 0.4mg tablet blister 100
160 Ferrous sulfate 200mg + Folic acid 0.4mg tablet 1000
161 Ferrous sulfate 200mg coated (65mg iron) tablet 1000
162 Folic acid 5mg tablet blister 100
163 Folic acid 5mg tablet 1000
164 Vitamin K-1 10mg/ml, 1 ml injection (phytomenadione) ampoule 100
Cardiovascular Medicines
Code Product Description Unit
165 Acetylsalicylic acid 75mg gastro-resistant tablet blister 56
166 Amlodipine 5mg (as besylate) tablet blister 100
167 Atenolol 100mg tablet blister 1000
168 Atenolol 50mg tablet 1000
169 Bisoprolol 5mg tablet blister 28
170 Captopril 25mg tablet blister 100
171 Carvedilol 12.5mg tablet blister 10
172 Carvedilol 25mg tablet blister 100
173 Carvedilol 6.25mg tablet blister 100
174 Digoxin 0.25mg tablet 1000
175 Dopamine HCl 200mg/5ml injection ampoule 10
176 Enalapril maleate 10mg tablet blister 100
177 Enalapril maleate 5 mg tablet blister 100
178 Hydralazine 20mg powder for injection ampoule 5
179 Methyldopa 250mg film coated tablet blister 100
180 Methyldopa 250mg film coated tablet 1000
181 Nifedipine 10mg tablet blister 100
182 Nifedipine 20mg slow release tablet jar 100
183 Simvastatin 20mg tablet blister 30
Cytotoxic medicines
Code Product Description Unit
184 Asparaginase Powder for injection 10 000 IU in vial 1
185 Bendamustine Injection 45 mg/0.5 ml vial 1
186 Bleomycin Powder for injection 15 mg (as sulfate) in vial 1
187 Calcium folinate Injection 3 mg/ ml in 10ml ampoule 10
188 Carboplatin 150mg/15ml injection vial 1
189 Carboplatin 450mg/45ml injection vial 1
190 Calcium folinate 15mg tablet 10
191 Cisplatin 50mg/50ml injection vial 1
192 Cyclophosphamide 500mg injection vial 1
193 Cytarabine Powder for injection 100 mg in vial 1
194 Dacarbazine 100mg powder for injection vial 10
195 Dactinomycin Powder for injection 500 micrograms in vial 1
196 Daunorubicin Powder for injection 50 mg (hydrochloride) in vial 1
197 Docetaxel Injection 20mg/ml vial 1
198 Doxorubicin HCl 50mg powder for injection vial 1
199 Doxorubicin HCl 10mg powder for injection vial 1
200 Etoposide 100mg/5ml injection vial 1
201 Fludarabine Powder for injection 50 mg (phosphate) vial 1
202 Fluorouracil Injection 50 mg/ml in 5ml ampoule 10
203 Gemcitabletine Powder for injection 200 mg in vial 1
204 Gemcitabletine Powder for injection 1 mg in vial 1
205 Ifosfamide 1g powder for injection vial 1
206 Irinotecan Injection 20 mg/ml in 2ml vial 1
207 Melphalan Powder for injection 50 mg in vial 1
208 Methotrexate 50mg/2ml injection vial 1
209 Oxaliplatin Injection 50mg/10ml in 10ml vial 1
210 Paclitaxel Powder for injection 6 mg/ml vial 1
211 Procarbazine 50mg capsule 50
212 Vinblastine Powder for injection 10 mg (sulfate) vial 1
213 Vincristine sulfate 1mg/ml injection vial 1
214 Vinorelbine Injection 10 mg/ml in 1ml vial 1
Dermatological Medicines (Topical)
Code Product Description Unit
215 Benzoic acid 6%+salicylic acid 3% ointment 40g tube 10
216 Benzylbenzoate 25% application 1L bottle 1
217 Betamethasone 0.1% as valerate cream 15g tube 10
218 Calamine lotion 100ml bottle 1
219 Clotrimazole 1% cream 20g tube 10
220 Hydrocortisone acetate 1% cream 15g tube 10
221 Neomycin 0.5% + bacitracin 500IU/g ointment 15g tube 10
222 Nystatin ointment 100,000 IU/g 30g tube 10
223 Permethrin 1% lotion 100ml bottle 1
224 Silver sulfadiazine 1% cream 500g jar 1
225 Silver sulfadiazine 1% cream 50g tube 10
226 Tetracycline HCl 3% skin ointment 15g tube 10
227 Zinc oxide ointment 10% 100g tube 10
Code Product Description Unit
228 Cetrimide 15%+chlorhexidine gluconate 1.5% 1L bottle 1
229 Chlorhexidine gluconate 5% solution 1L bottle 1
230 Pvp iodine 10% solution 200ml bottle 1
Gastrointestinal Medicines
Code Product Description Unit
231 Aluminium hydroxide 500mg tablet 1000
232 Anti-haemorrhoid ointment 25g tube 1
233 Bisacodyl 5mg, enteric coated tablet blister 100
234 Hyoscine butylbromide 10mg tablet 1000
235 Hyoscine butylbromide 20mg/ml 1ml injection ampoule 100
236 Loperamide HCl 2mg tablet blister 100
237 Magnesium trisilicate compound 250/120mg tablet 1000
238 Magnesium trisilicate compound 500/250mg tablet blister 100
239 Metoclopramide HCl 10mg tablet blister 100
240 Metoclopramide HCl 10mg tablet 1000
241 Metoclopramide HCl 10mg/2ml injection ampoule 100
242 Omeprazole 20mg capsule blister 100
243 Omeprazole 40mg/100ml powder for infusion vial 5
244 Ranitidine 150mg tablet blister 100
245 Ranitidine 50mg/2ml injection ampoule 5
Code Product Description Unit
246 Condoms male WHO/ISO4074 52mm squarefoil 144
247 Condoms male WHO/ISO4074 53mm squarefoil 144
248 Ethinylestr/levonorgest. 0.03/ 0.15mg,21+7placebo tablet cyc 100
249 Female condom FC2 nitrile 1000
250 IUD Cu 375 standard 50
251 Levonorgestrel 0.75mg tablet blister 2
252 Medroxyprogesteronacetate 150mg/ml 1ml injection vial 25
Ophthalmological Preparations
Code Product Description Unit
253 Atropine 1% eye drops 10ml bottle 1
254 Chloramphenicol 1%eye ointment 5g tube 10
255 Gentamicin 0.3% eye drops 5ml bottle 1
256 Tetracycline HCl 1% eye ointment 5g tube 50
Code Product Description Unit
257 Oxytocin 10 IU/ml, 1ml injection ampoule (keep cool 2-8-degree Celsius) 100
258 Misoprostol 200 microgram tablet blister 40
Antidiabetic Medicines
Code Product Description Unit
259 Glibenclamide 5mg tablet 1000
260 Glibenclamide 5mg tablet blister 1000
261 Gliclazide 30mg tablet blister 10
262 Gliclazide 60mg tablet blister 10
263 Gliclazide 80mg tablet blister 10
264 Metformin HCl 500mg tablet blister 100
265 Metformin HCl 500mg tablet 500
Respiratory Medicines
Code Product Description Unit
266 Aminophylline 100mg tablet 1000
267 Salbutamol 0.5mg/ml, 1ml injection ampoule 100
268 Salbutamol 2mg/5ml oral solution 100ml bottle 1
269 Salbutamol 4mg tablet 1000
Intravenous (IV) Fluids and Plasma Substitutes
Code Product Description Unit
270 Dextran 70 6% in NaCl 0.9% 500ml bottle 1
271 Dextrose 2.5% in NaCl 0.45% 250ml nipple bottle 1
272 Dextrose 2.5% in NaCl 0.45% 500ml nipple bottle 1
273 Dextrose 5% in water 1L nipple bottle 1
274 Dextrose 5% in water 500ml nipple bottle 1
275 Dextrose 50% 50ml injection ampoule 20
276 Ringer lactate (Hartmann) 1L nipple bottle 1
277 Ringer lactate (Hartmann) 500ml nipple bottle 1
278 Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% injection 10ml ampoule 10
279 Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% injection 20ml ampoule 50
280 Sodium chloride 0.9% 1L nipple bottle 1
281 Sodium chloride 0.9% 500ml nipple bottle 1
282 Water for injection 10ml ampoule 50
283 Water for injection 5ml ampoule 50
Psychotherapeutic Medicines
Code Product Description Unit
284 Amitriptyline HCl 25mg coated tablet 1000
285 Chlorpromazine HCl 25mg coated tablet 1000
286 Fluoxetine 20mg capsule blister 100
287 Haloperidol 5mg/ml, 1ml injection ampoule 100
Vitamins and Minerals
Code Product Description Unit
288 Multivitamin coated tablet 1000
289 Oral Rehydration Salts 20.5 g/L for 1 L (WHO recommended formula) sachets 100
290 Oral Rehydration Salts 20.5 g/L (2 sac) (WHO recommended formula) + Zinc 20mg (10 tablets) Kits 1
291 Potassium chloride 1g/10ml injection ampoule 100
292 Vitamin A 100,000 IU (retinol) capsule 1000
293 Vitamin A 200,000 IU (retinol) capsule 1000
294 Vitamin B compound tablet 1000
295 Vitamin B-1 50mg (thiamine HCl) tablet 1000
296 Vitamin B-12 1mg/ml, 1ml (cyanocobalamin) ampoule 100
297 Vitamin B-6 50mg (pyridoxine HCl) tablet blister 100
298 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid),250mg tablet 1000
299 Zinc 20mg dispersible tablet blister 100
Code Product Description Unit
300 Malaria P.falciparum + P.vivax rapid test SD Bioline Ag tests 25
301 Malaria P.falciparum + Pan rapid test First Response Ag tests 25
302 Malaria P.falciparum + Pan rapid test SD Bioline Ag tests 25
303 Malaria P.falciparum rapid test First Response Ag tests 25
304 Malaria P.falciparum rapid test SD Bioline Ag tests 25
305 Pregnancy test hCG strips 2.5mm tests 100
306 Syphilis rapid test kit Determine TP tests 100
307 Syphilis rapid test kit, serum/plasma/wholeblood (SD Bioline, 3.0) tests 30
308 Urine test strip 10 parameters strips 100
309 Urine test strip protein/glucose/pH strips 100
Medical Consumables and Instruments
Code Product Description Unit
310 Cotton wool, carded, 100 g roll (100% cotton) 1
311 Cotton wool, carded, 500 g roll (100% cotton) 1
312 Crepe bandage 6 cm x 4 m (stretched), 65 g/m² roll 1
313 Crepe bandage 8 cm x 4 m (stretched), 65 g/m² roll 1
314 Crepe bandage 10 cm x 4 m (stretched), 65 g/m² roll 1
315 Elastic adhesive bandage 7.5 cm x 4.5 m (stretched) roll 1
316 Elastic gauze bandage 6 cm x 4 m (stretched), 26 g/m² roll 1
317 Elastic gauze bandage 8 cm x 4 m (stretched), 26 g/m² roll 1
318 Elastic gauze bandage 10 cm x 4 m (stretched), 26 g/m² roll 1
319 Gauze bandage, N17, 5 cm x 4.5 m roll 1
320 Gauze bandage, N17, 7.5 cm x 4.5 m roll 1
321 Gauze bandage, N17, 10 cm x 4.5 m roll 1
322 Gauze pads, 7.5 x 7.5 cm, 8 ply, N17, 23 g/m², non-sterile 1
323 Gauze pads 10 x 10 cm, 12 ply, N17, 23 g/m², non-sterile 1
324 Gauze pads 5 x 5 cm, 8 ply, N17, 23 g/m², sterile 1
325 Gauze pads 10 x 10 cm, 12 ply, N17, 23 g/m², sterile 1
326 Gauze, hydrophylic, 90 cm x 91 m, 12 x 8 mesh, 730 g roll 1
327 Gauze, hydrophylic, 90 cm x 91 m, 19 x 15 mesh, 1250 g roll 1
328 Padding bandage (underwrap), 15 cm x 2.7 m roll 1
329 Paraffin gauze pads, 10 x 10 cm, sterile, individually packed 1
330 Plaster of paris bandage, 7.5 cm x 2.7 m roll 1
331 Plaster of paris bandage, 10 cm x 2.7 m roll 1
332 Plaster of paris bandage, 15 cm x 2.7 m roll 1
333 Plaster of paris bandage, 20 cm x 2.7 m roll 1
334 Triangular bandage, 96 x 96 x 136 cm, 100% cotton, with safety pin 1
335 Woundplaster, adhesive, 6 cm x 5 m roll 1
336 Woundplaster, waterproof, 4 assorted sizes 1
337 Zinc oxide plaster 1.25 cm x 5 m, on plastic spool roll 1
338 Zinc oxide plaster 2.5 cm x 5 m, on plastic spool roll 1
339 Zinc oxide plaster 5 cm x 5 m, on plastic spool roll 1
340 Zinc oxide plaster 7.5 cm x 5 m, on plastic spool roll 1
341 Zinc oxide plaster 10 cm x 5 m, on plastic spool roll 1
342 Zinc oxide plaster 5 cm x 5 m, perforated, on plastic spool roll 1
343 Zinc oxide plaster 10 cm x 5 m, perforated, on plastic spool roll 1
344 Zinc oxide plaster 18 cm x 5 m, perforated, on plastic spool roll 1
Catheters, Tubes and Drainage Bags
Code Product Description Unit
345 Catheter Foley ch10 balloon 5 ml, sterile 10
346 Catheter Foley ch12 balloon 10 ml, sterile 10
347 Catheter Foley ch14 balloon 10 ml, sterile 10
348 Catheter Foley ch16 balloon 10 ml, sterile 10
349 Catheter Foley ch18 balloon 10 ml, sterile 10
350 Catheter Foley ch20 balloon 10 ml, sterile 10
351 Catheter Foley ch22 balloon 10 ml, sterile 10
352 Feeding tube ch5 40 cm disposable Luer, sterile 10
353 Feeding tube ch8 40 cm disposable Luer, sterile 10
354 Feeding tube ch10 40 cm disposable Luer, sterile 10
355 Oxygen tube ch10 40 cm, disposable 10
356 Stomach tube ch14 80 cm disposable, sterile, plastic 10
357 Stomach tube ch16 80 cm disposable, sterile, plastic 10
358 Stomach tube ch18 125 cm disposable, sterile, 10
359 Suction tube ch8 disposable, sterile 10
360 Suction tube ch10 disposable, sterile 10
361 Suction tube ch16 disposable, sterile 10
362 Thorax drain with trocar sterile ch28 28 cm 10
363 Urine drainage bag, 2000 ml, 85 cm tube, with non-return valve and tap, sterile,disposable 10
Code Product Description Unit
364 Gloves, examination, latex, size small, powder free, non-sterile, disposable 100
365 Gloves, examination, latex, size medium, powder free, non-sterile, disposable 100
366 Gloves, examination, latex, size large, powder free, non-sterile, disposable 100
367 Gloves, examination, latex, size small, powdered, non-sterile, disposable 100
368 Gloves, examination, latex, size medium, powdered, non-sterile, disposable 100
369 Gloves, examination, latex, size large, powdered, non-sterile, disposable 100
370 Gloves, examination, nitrile, size small, powder free, non-sterile, disposable 100
371 Gloves, examination, nitrile, size medium, powder free, non-sterile, disposable 100
372 Gloves, examination, nitrile, size large, powder free, non-sterile, disposable 100
373 Gloves, examination, plastic, 30 cm, non-sterile, disposable 100
374 Gloves, gynecological, latex, powdered, sterile, disposable pair 1
375 Gloves, surgical, latex, size 6, powdered, sterile, disposable pair 50
376 Gloves, surgical, latex, size 6.5, powdered, sterile, disposable pair 50
377 Gloves, surgical, latex, size 7, powdered, sterile, disposable pair 50
378 Gloves, surgical, latex, size 7.5, powdered, sterile, disposable pair 50
379 Gloves, surgical, latex, size 8, powdered, sterile, disposable pair 50
380 Gloves, surgical, latex, size 8.5, powdered, sterile, disposable pair 50
Code Product Description Unit
381 Needle, suture, 1/2 circle, cutting, assorted 12
382 Needle, suture, 1/2 circle, round bodied, assorted 12
383 Suture, black braided silk, 75 cm, sizes 5-0,4-0,3-0,2-0,0,1,2,3 with needle 12
384 Suture, nylon monofilament, 75 cm, sizes 5-0,4-0,3-0,2-0,0,1,2,3 with needle 12
385 Suture, polyester braided, 75 cm, sizes 5-0,4-0,3-0,2-0,0,1,2,3 with needle 12
386 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 0, 150 cm, without needle 12
387 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 0, 70 cm, 1/2 circle 40 mm roundbodied, taper point needle 12
388 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 1, 150 cm, without needle 12
389 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 1, 70 cm, 1/2 circle 30 mm roundbodied, taper point needle 100
390 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 2, 150 cm, without needle 12
391 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 2-0, 150 cm, without needle 12
392 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 2-0, 70 cm, 1/2 circle 26 mm round-bodied, taper point needle 12
393 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 3-0, 150 cm, without needle 12
394 Suture, synthetic, absorbable (polyglycolic acid) 3-0, 45 cm, 3/8 circle 19 mm cuttine needle 12
Syringes, Needles and Administration Sets
Code Product Description Unit
395 Blood bag CPDA single, 250 ml, with system + 16 G needle 10
396 Blood bag CPDA single, 450 ml, with system + 16 G needle 10
397 Blood giving (transfusion) set, with Luer-Lock needle 18 G x 1.5" (1.20 x 40 mm), filter, 148 cm tubing, sterile, disposable 10
398 Blood lancets, 23 G, sterile, disposable 10
399 Catheter, I.V., with wings and injection port, 16 G x 1.7", sterile, disposable 10
400 Catheter, I.V., with wings and injection port, 18 G x 1.3", sterile, disposable 10
401 Catheter, I.V., with wings and injection port, 20 G x 1.1", sterile, disposable 10
402 Catheter, I.V., with wings and injection port, 22 G x 0.9", sterile, disposable 10
403 Catheter, I.V., with wings and injection port, 24 G x 0.70", sterile, disposable 10
404 Infusion giving set, with air release and Luer lock needle, 21 G x 1.5" (0.80 x 40mm) (for bags/bottles), drip rate 20 drops/ ml, 150 cm tubing, sterile, disposable 10
405 Infusion set, paediatric, 60 drops/ml, 120-140 cm, filter 15-20-micron, needle 23 G x 1” (0.60 x 25 mm), sharp airway, sterile disposable 10
406 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 18 G x 1.5" (1.20 x 40 mm), sterile, disposable 100
407 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 19 G x 1.5" (1.10 x 40 mm), sterile, disposable 100
408 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 20 G x 1.5" (0.90 x 40 mm), sterile, disposable 100
409 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 21 G x 1.5" (0.80 x 40 mm), sterile, disposable 100
410 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 22 G x 1.25" (0.70 x 30 mm), sterile, disposable 100
411 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 23 G x 1" (0.60 x 25 mm), sterile, disposable 100
412 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 23 G x 1.25" (0.60 x 30 mm), sterile, disposable 100
413 Needle, hypodermic, Luer, 25 G x 5/8" (0.50 x 16 mm), sterile, disposable 100
414 Needle, spinal, for injection & lumbar punction 22 G x 1.5" (0.7 x 38 mm), sterile, disposable 100
415 Needle, spinal, for injection & lumbar punction 22 G x 3.5" (0.7 x 90 mm), sterile, disposable 100
416 Needle, spinal, for injection & lumbar punction 25 G x 3.5" (0.5 x 90 mm), sterile, disposable 100
417 Safety box to dispose used syringes + needles 5 L 100
418 Scalp vein infusion set 19 G (1.10 mm), 30 cm tubing, sterile, disposable 100
419 Scalp vein infusion set 21 G (0.80 mm), 30 cm tubing, sterile, disposable 100
420 Scalp vein infusion set 23 G (0.60 mm), 30 cm tubing, sterile, disposable 100
421 Scalp vein infusion set 25 G (0.50 mm), 30 cm tubing, sterile, disposable 100
422 Syringe, catheter tip, 3-part, 50/60 ml, sterile, disposable, 10 Pieces 100
423 Syringe, hypodermic, 10 ml, re-use prevention, with 21 G x 1.5" (0.80 x 40 mm) needle, sterile, disposable 10
424 Syringe, hypodermic, 2 ml, re-use prevention, with 23 G x 1" (0.60 x 25 mm) needle, sterile, disposable 100
425 Syringe, hypodermic, 5 ml, re-use prevention, with 21 G x 1.5" (0.80 x 40 mm) needle, sterile, disposable 100
426 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 2-part, 10 ml + needle 21 G x 1.5" (0.80 x 40 mm), sterile, disposable 100
427 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 2-part, 10 ml, sterile, disposable 100
428 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 2-part, 2 ml + needle 21 G x 1.5" (0.80 x 40 mm), sterile, disposable 100
429 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 2-part, 2 ml + needle 23 G x 1.25" (0.60 x 30 mm), sterile, disposable 100
430 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 2-part, 2 ml, sterile, disposable 100
431 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 2-part, 5 ml + needle 21 G x 1.5" (0.80 x 40 mm), sterile, disposable 100
432 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 2-part, 5 ml, sterile, disposable 100
433 Syringe, hypodermic, Luer, 3-part, 20 ml, sterile, disposable 100
434 Syringe, insulin, Luer, 3-part, 100 IU/1 ml with fixed needle 29 G x 0.5" (0.33 x 13 mm), sterile, disposable 100
Sundry Hospital and Medical Items
Code Product Description Unit
435 Alcohol swabs 100
436 Applicator sticks, wood, with cotton tip 15 cm 100
437 Apron with neckband opaque plastic disposable 100
438 Biohazard bag, 90 x 70 cm 100
439 Clamp, umbilical, 5.8 cm, sterile disposable 50
440 Face mask N95, horizontal foldable disposable 10
441 Lubricating jelly sterile 82g 1
442 MUAC tape child PVC 1
443 Notepad A-4, hard cover 160 pages 1
444 Notepad A-5 1
445 Notepad A-6 100 sheets 1
446 Pen ballpoint blue 1
447 Sanitary Towels 1
448 Soap toilet 100g bar 10
449 Stethoscope foetal Pinard aluminium 1
450 Tablet bags 10 x 15 cm, minigrip, no pictogram 0.04 mm 500
451 Tablet bags resealable, 60 x 80 mm + pictogram, 0.038 mm 500
452 Tablet bags resealable, 80 x 100 mm + pictogram, 0.038 mm 500
453 Tongue depressor, polished wood, 150 x 18 mm, disposable 100
454 Tourniquet rubber, synthetic, 100 cm x 1.8 cm 10
455 Tray tablet counting/dispensing, 20 x 20 x 6 cm, plastic 1
456 Trousers for baby weighing scale 25 kg/100-gram (hanging model) pair 1
457 Umbilical tape, 25 m x 3 mm roll 1
458 Weighing scale, adults, bathroom type, 150 kg/1000 g graduation 1
459 Weighing scale, adults, bathroom type, 150 kg/500 g graduation (Seca 762) 1
460 Weighing scale, baby, hanging model, without trousers, 25 kg/100 g 1
461 Weighing scale, baby, tubular, hanging model, 5 kg/50 g graduation 1
462 Weight-height wall chart (growth chart), black and white (in English) 1
Surgical Instruments
Code Product Description Unit
463 Blade, surgical, no. 10, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
464 Blade, surgical, no. 11, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
465 Blade, surgical, no. 15, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
466 Blade, surgical, no. 20, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
467 Blade, surgical, no. 21, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
468 Blade, surgical, no. 22, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
469 Blade, surgical, no. 23, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
470 Blade, surgical, no. 24, carbon steel, sterile, disposable 100
471 Box instrument, 18 x 11 x 3 cm, with lid, aluminium 1
472 Forceps, dissecting, spring-type, non-toothed, 14 cm 1
473 Forceps, dressing, spring-type, 14 cm 1
474 Forceps, dressing, spring-type, straight, non-toothed, 11.5 cm 1
475 Forceps, haemostatic, Halsted-Mosquito, curved, 12.5 cm 1
476 Forceps, haemostatic, Halsted-Mosquito, straight, 12.5 cm 1
477 Forceps, haemostatic, Kelly, curved, 14 cm 1
478 Forceps, haemostatic, Kelly, straight, 14 cm 1
479 Forceps, haemostatic, Kocher, 1 x 2 teeth, straight, 14 cm 1
480 Forceps, haemostatic, Kocher, 1 x 2 teeth, straight, 18 cm 1
481 Forceps, sponge holding, Foerster, straight, 24 cm 1
482 Forceps, suture, Michel, double usage, 12 cm 1
483 Forceps, tissue, spring-type, 1 x 2 teeth, 14.5 cm 1
484 Handle for surgical blade, no. 3 (minor surgery), 13 cm 1
485 Handle for surgical blade, no. 4 (major surgery), 13.5 cm 1
486 Instrument stand, Mayo, with tray (dimensions 55 x 40 cm), height adjustable 94-120 cm, stainless steel, on 4 castors, 1
487 Kidney basin, 20 cm, 475 ml, stainless steel 1
488 Kidney basin, 25 cm, 825 ml, stainless steel 1
489 Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, straight, narrow jaw, 18 cm 1
490 Scissors, bandage, Lister, angular, 18 cm pair 1
491 Scissors, dissecting, Mayo, curved, 17 cm, blunt/blunt pair 1
492 Scissors, dissecting, Mayo, straight, 17 cm, blunt/blunt pair 1
493 Scissors, surgical, curved, 14 cm, sharp/blunt pair 1
494 Scissors, suture, 14 cm pair 1
495 Scissors, uterine, Sims, curved, 20 cm pair 1
496 Speculum, vaginal, Graves, large (blade 115 x 35 mm) 1
497 speculum, vaginal, Graves, medium (blade 100 x 35 mm) 1
498 Speculum, vaginal, Graves, small (blade 75 x 20 mm) 1
499 Tray, dressing, 30 x 20 x 3 cm, without lid, stainless steel 1
500 Tray, instrument, 22.5 x 12.5 x 5 cm, with lid, stainless steel 1
501 Tray, instrument, 30 x 20 x 5 cm, with lid, stainless steel 1